More insight about onion growth outdoors in winter
Since a couple days ago, I kept putting the onions back outside during the day instead of the window, once again because of the very cold temperatures but the temps have gotten even colder. At first I decided just to completely leave them outside to see if they made it through the winter and make a primary case about it; but instead after seeing the results of them outside for another 24-36 hours and even seeing some snowfall that there wouldn’t be any chance.
Pictures of onions first snow

This is the pot with 4 onion seedlings after a day of snow and a night outside. The big onion noticeably is getting a brown top and the other ones are showing serious signs of weakness.

This is the pot with 2 onion seedlings. Just like the pot with 4, at these below freezing temperatures and nothing destined to change in terms of the weather for several days, there is not much of an argument; these onion seedlings wont hold on like I thought.
Plant regeneration in my experience
What I have seen so far in terms of things like water of fertilizers regenerating plants is common. A lot of times even if a plant looks to be doing in serious bad health in the summer, a nice drink of water will definitely restore it’s vibrant colors to your surprise. Additionally, fertilizers will provide instant results in terms of plant regeneration and especially with water; but for these onions in the winter season, I didn’t think warm water was the answer and of course, in comparison to just bringing them back inside for a few days and maybe giving them a room light or something.
I currently don’t have any grow lights like you would think, I’ve had all my stuff outside for the last year, so my main concern with these is that by keeping them inside now from the cold and even more snow expected, they will be without adequate light. I definitely think at this stage they have enough water in the pots from the snow and recent rain, because they were frozen as hard as anything.
Pictures after 30 minutes of coming indoors

Pot with 2 onion seedlings indoors after brutal cold and snow. The pots started to thaw out pretty quickly and I will look to consider how much moisture is left.

Pot with 4 onion seedlings after coming back inside from the cold. As you can see, the seedlings here are like the other two, quickly looking like they are able to be on their way to a sustainable growth. But lighting would be the next question and again because it’s clearly too cold for these seedlings to be outside at this time.
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