Introducing my new garlic selection on Threads
In my most recent threads post, I shared the 5 but now 4 pieces of garlic that I separated from the original organic bulb, and prepare to use them as the starters for a full bulb. Of course, onions and garlic do act as perennials and store for a long period of time but also usually only grow a flower on the stem within the second year which then can allow for potential to get the heirloom seed of the plant.
In terms of the soil, I really plan to use the good bit of tilled land that I manually did with a rental last summer. It was a heavy duty tiller, so there is actually a substantial amount of large size rocks left. Its clear that its more cost effective AND more time effective to use the ground soil with added fertilizers and all. Although this presents a definite scientific reasoning day to day to figure out, it’s not that hard and it’s definitely going to make the entire year of gardening herbs, summer crops and autumn harvest crops a breeze.
I will be sure to bring more information about the soil as it begins to dry now after having snow and rain for some time in the last few weeks. The first thing to mention about the soil is I will at least remove the rocks and look to keep very small ones in and perhaps add a bit of perlite. This makes the process interesting because it seems like its too much but its actually a very clean and sustainable method. In terms of the soil nutrients, that’s definitely a second thing to put into the equation aside from the texture, durability and drainability.
Onion Seedlings Update as of 1/13/24

Two onion seedlings before watering

4 onion seedlings before watering
As you can see, the before watering pictures taken on 1/13 are showing the pots to be very dry. I wanted to make sure they got dry after the snow. They were inside most of the time and definitely at night after the snow, so when they became dry I knew that they were basically back to the maximum neutral soil temperature, so I watered them.

4 onion seedlings after watering

2 onion seedlings after watering
As you can see, as soon as they took more water, and actually went outside during the day to catch the sun a little, they sprung right back into a more vibrant green. It’s just I am not convinced that there is any other thing to do, besides keep focusing on the light emissions when possible and the watering. It’s just a fact by now by studying the pictures back that it’s too cold outside for them to really even have a chance of growing. So we are talking about onion seedlings going outside by when???
Starting to collect seeds: Onions

Home Depot literally has Burpees inside. Even last year I didn’t see the selection but it looks like they have it right in January when you wouldn’t expect it. Everything looks perfect!
So the package says sow in the spring with the soil temps after frost, so that’s what I plan to do. I have heard and will look into more about cold stratifying your onion seeds, but this may only be for something so particular, then again there is different varieties. I don’t think I will focus on putting any outdoors at the moment but may consider at the end of February. I did also mention that I wanted to try to germinate indoors without lights, or at the window, but all bets are off. We are looking for an absolute fresh and clean start into the tilled ground in the yard around last frost to even get a stronger seed!
Thanks for staying up to date
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